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Executing commands in containers

If you're using a container you need to use execute the command inside of the container. For example, if you're using Docker you must prefix the command with docker exec and specify the container name. Here's an example where we assume that the container is control-center:

docker exec -it --user www-data control-center COMMAND [ARGUMENTS...]

All versions

Updating between minor versions only requires you to run migration and clear caches. Remember to run the theme build again if you have a custom theme.

Once done, you must migrate the database changes and clear the cache:

php artisan migrate
php artisan optimize:clear

Upgrading to 6.0.0

This release contains breaking changes and requires you to backup your data before upgrading.

  • To fix the incorrect setting of training tags on bookings, the positions has now a required_facility_rating_id column which replaces previous boolean mae column.
    • Note down your old mae values before you run the migration to avoid data loss.
    • For normal GCAP Rated positions (S1-C1) you don't need to do anything.
    • For positions that require a facility endorsement (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Special Center), you need to fill the id of the row in your ratings table that corresponds to the facility rating.

Upgrading to v5.1.0

Please follow these steps if you wish to use the new VATEUD Core integration. May be skipped otherwise.

  • Make sure you've configured all your T1/T2 endorsements in rating table.
  • Manually sync any existing solos, mentors and examiners in Core prior to enabling the integration.
  • Update your environment file with the new variables found in the example file.
  • This will be run daily by the scheduler, but run this manually first time:
    • Run the artisan command php artisan sync:roster to sync the roster.
    • Run the artisan command php artisan sync:endorsements <your cid> to add existing T1/T2 endorsements.