Define the division
Here you find the diffrerent data tables which need to be edited to suit your division. Perform the changes in the same order as this document.
In Areas
table, create one or more areas. This is something student select between when applying for trianing.
id | name | contact | waiting time | template_newreq | template_newmentor | template_pretraining | feedback_url |
x | Name | Contact e-mail that will be displayed to students | String that completes the sentence "Expected waiting time is ..."" | Can be set in Notification Editor, set NULL | Same as last | Same as last | URL to feedback form shown in training completed email |
1 | Norway | | "6-12 months" | NULL | NULL | NULL | |
In Ratings
table, the default VATSIM ratings are present and if applicable, the endorsement ratings.
id | name | description | vatsim_rating | endorsement_type |
x | Rating Name | Description | The id of vatsim rating this represents, NULL if local endorsement | NULL or GCAP type: T1, T2 or SC |
1 | S1 | Rating required to sit GND position | 2 | NULL |
8 | KJFK APP | Endorsement required to sit on a selected airport | NULL | T1 |
Please do not remove the default VATSIM ratings (S1-I3), as they are used for the VATSIM integration.
Ratings in areas¶
In area_rating
table, we define which ratings are available for which area for applications. If a rating is only applicable manually through a moderator there's no need to add it here.
area_id | rating_id | required_vatsim_rating | allow_bundling | hour_requirement | queue_length_low | queue_lenght_high |
id of area | id of rating | Id of required vatsim rating to apply for the id of this rating in selected area | NULL or 1 (true) if this vatsim rating can be bundled with a GRP VATSIM rating | NULL or number of hours required to apply for this rating | Filled in by automation | Filled in by automation |
1 | 2 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |
1 | 3 | 3 | NULL | 50 | NULL | NULL |
In positions
table, we define which positions are possible to book their restrictions and connect examinations and training sessions to.
id | callsign | name | frequency | fir | area | rating | required_facility_rating_id |
x | The callsign | Name of position showed when booking | Optional frequency, only exposed in API | Used for filtering in bookings | id of area | vatsim rating id required to book position | rating id of the tiered rating required to book this position |
1 | ENBR_TWR | Flesland Tower | NULL | ENOR | 4 | 3 | NULL |
2 | ENGM_TWR | Gardermoen Tower | NULL | ENOR | 4 | 3 | 8 |