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Configuring authentication with OAuth

Only applies if you're not using Handover or VATSIM Connect

These settings do not apply if you're using Handover or VATSIM Connect to authenticate your users.

Control Center supports both VATSIM Connect, Handover and other OAuth providers to authenticate and fetch user data.

If you're looking for a centralised authentication service, check out our Handover service, or use VATSIM Connect.

While support for VATSIM Connect and Handover is configured by default, there are additional settings you need to configure for Control Center to work with other OAuth-based identity providers.

Use VATSIM Connect or Handover if possible

No explicit configuration is required for VATSIM Connect or Handover. Consider using either VATSIM SSO or Handover for authentication by utilising the standard configuration.

Environment variables

If you want to use your own custom OAuth provider, you need to configure the following variables.

Variable Your OAuth provider array path Explanation
OAUTH_MAPPING_CID data-id OAuth mapping of VATSIM CID
OAUTH_MAPPING_EMAIL data-email OAuth mapping of VATSIM e-mail
OAUTH_MAPPING_FIRSTNAME data-first_name OAuth mapping of VATSIM first name
OAUTH_MAPPING_LASTNAME data-last_name OAuth mapping of VATSIM last name
OAUTH_MAPPING_RATING data-vatsim_details-controller_rating-id OAuth mapping of VATSIM rating
OAUTH_MAPPING_RATING_SHORT data-vatsim_details-controller_rating-short OAuth mapping of VATSIM rating short
OAUTH_MAPPING_RATING_LONG data-vatsim_details-controller_rating-long OAuth mapping of VATSIM rating long
OAUTH_MAPPING_REGION data-vatsim_details-region OAuth mapping of VATSIM region
OAUTH_MAPPING_DIVISION data-vatsim_details-division OAuth mapping of VATSIM division
OAUTH_MAPPING_SUBDIVISION data-vatsim_details-subdivision OAuth mapping of VATSIM subdivision